The ITER Organization holds regular events to inform industry on current or upcoming procurement opportunities. Scroll down ...
With the progression of ITER conductor production all over the world, the first lengths of completed conductors are being delivered to coil manufacturers. Although the lengths may extend up to nearly ...
The Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas (CRPP) in Switzerland has studied fundamental plasma physics since 1961, with a particular focus on magnetic fusion since 1979. Part of the Ecole ...
The use of 3D technology for assessing design maturity and performing assembly simulations is key to large construction projects such as ITER. After two years of relying on technology installed at the ...
Manufacturing has begun for the 70 large D-shaped radial plates that will hold the conductor in place within ITER's toroidal field coils. Following the prototype and machining trial stages, ...
Thiago Olson, a seventeen year old boy from Michigan, USA, has been added to the sparse ranks of those that have achieved fusion reactions in their basement. Inspired by a website on amateur fusion, ...
The manufacturing of ITER components is underway in factories all around the world. This short video, presented by ITER Director-General Motojima to the representatives of the seven ITER Members, took ...
Participants in the French Master's in Fusion Science program have been hard at work since early February at the nearby IRFM (l'Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion Magnétique), participating in ...
As part of a three-year program of leak localization research and development, a contract between the English company Oxford Technologies and the ITER Organization to develop a concept design for a ...
Fabien Lassueur joined ITER as Subcontractor Team Leader beginning of 2008, and then as ITER staff in June 2009 in the capacity of Coordination Engineer for Design Collaboration within the CEP ...
The Deputy Director of the Agence ITER France and former leader of the European ITER Site Studies, Pascal Garin, has been nominated Leader of the IFMIF-EVEDA project. The Engineering Validation and ...
Latest results from the Joint European Torus (JET) fusion device are giving researchers increasing confidence in prospects for the next-generation ITER Project, the international experiment that is ...