Yesterday, we looked at three provisions believers can count on during adversity: God’s presence, a pathway through trouble, and potential to grow. Today, let’s explore two more. Protection. God doesn ...
Most of us are better at talking than listening, but communicating with God involves both. The Lord intends for His children to hear His voice. Scripture is one of the main instruments our Father uses ...
As believers, we’ve been granted special abilities to be used during our time here on earth. First Peter 4:10 says we have a responsibility to respond to this divine grace by serving one another. It’s ...
Trusting God’s timing can be incredibly difficult when everything within us cries, “Do something!” When we’re dealing with a painful or challenging situation, we want action, so waiting for God feels ...
Nehemiah demonstrates the power of prayer. As a servant to the king of Persia, he had no right to request leave to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, much less to requisition materials and protection. Yet ...
Is it possible to draw closer to the Father through our doubts? The life of Job suggests an answer. Verse 15 of today’s passage is key to understanding his mindset: “Though He slay me, I will hope in ...
Throughout the Bible, God commands His people to obey Him. But submission doesn’t come naturally to us because we’re all born with a rebellious spirit. We must be taught to obey the Lord, and we begin ...
Most of us long to feel truly known by those we love. That makes sense because we were created in God’s image—He also desires to be intimately understood and loved by us. Just as you don’t want to be ...
Prayer is a crucial discipline for believers’ spiritual growth. In fact, it’s difficult to mature in Christ without it, because prayer is how we communicate with God and thereby develop a relationship ...
Paul was a confident man. Before his salvation, the apostle’s self-assured attitude came from trusting in his credentials, background, education, and position. However, his encounter with the Lord led ...
Generosity is an attitude of gladly sharing whatever we might have, regardless of our wealth. Scripture reveals that openhanded lavishness is an attribute of God (Deut. 28:12). And as part of His ...
When Naomi returned to Bethlehem after the death of her husband and sons, she brought along her widowed Moabite daughter-in-law. Ruth—the third woman mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy—was a stranger, ...