Baxi’s 2024 UK Installer Skills Survey has concluded that a large proportion of heating engineers are not yet offering or ...
An upcoming Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) conference will bring together experts to look at ...
Trade bodies and building design specialists have agreed on a new UK standard to define the performance requirements of ‘net ...
A range of industry-led initiatives intended to highlight the main factors for moving to lower carbon heating are being held ...
Organisations working across the construction and building engineering sectors have pledged to provide guidance for ...
This year’s Quality Plumber Week campaign will seek to raise awareness and honour the skills of heating engineers next month.
A majority of homes in England and Wales are deemed by new research to be suitable for effectively installing air source heat ...
An estimated four out of five homes in Britain are reliant on the use of natural gas for their heating needs, the country’s ...
Adrian Hurley has been elected president of the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA). The new president has used his appointment to also call ...
National campaign sees companies and organisations supplying low-carbon heat put a spotlight on the technology’s role in UK decarbonisation ...
New pilot standard that defines specific performance requirements has been introduced the same week that the government commits to improve the efficiency of private ...