The Hong Kong Judiciary issued guidelines on the use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) earlier to judges and supporting staff, stressing that the use of technology should not ...
中大商學院兩代校友從不同的角度,將可持續發展與業務營運理念相結合,共同為推動可持續發展撒下希望的種子。 企業管治新定義 透明開放驅動 ...
Speaking of the high-profile artificial intelligence (AI) startups in Hong Kong, it is of course impossible to miss out the LifeSparrow Solutions, a company that made a name for itself in October ...
If you spoke with a Democrat and a Republican in 2021, there would be an 83% chance that the former told you they believe climate change had already begun, whilst the odds of the latter saying the ...
Hong Kong Ballet opened its new 2024/25 season as usual with a show catering for children enjoying their summer holiday – the premiere of a new production of “The Wizard of Oz” by its ...
這款特別版腕錶結合了PRX的復古設計與流行動畫系列的標誌性元素。這兩者最初都在70年代問世。漫畫自1978年起風靡全個歐洲,同年PRX最原始的型號 ...
在芸芸茶的品種中,普洱茶可說是養生之首。早在《本草綱目》中就有記載普洱茶的功效,中醫認為普洱茶具有清熱、消暑 ...
20 minutes till boarding. 30 people in the queue. 1 exhausted academic tapping frantically away at 1 phone. 4 open counters. 12 closed. 600m worth of walking. 1 connecting bus ride. I was standing ...
全場最貴的書架,用燒杉技術燒製後,再用榫接技術在燒出的裂縫處加上補強,相當精美,但要作價八萬多。 島國的美學 三個單位曾替香港一些 ...
A fortnight ago, a student asked me the following question, “Brian, what if one day, AIs could write better op-eds than you?” The jaded and deluded self in me was immediately tempted to retort ...