A report, created by a forum of experts, recognizes that current food production and processing contribute significantly to the overexploitation of natural capital. The European Commission should draw ...
The brain, one of the most important organs in the human body, is the center of our cognitive, emotional, and physical functions. Taking care of it throughout our lives is not only essential for a ...
The story of bottled water is an animated short film made by Annie Leonard which uses the style of “The Story of Stuff” to explain the consequences of buying water in bottles instead of consuming it ...
We have also cooked these vegetable burgers in a Lacor mineral cast iron pan and we explain to you step by step how to achieve a perfect result. Here is the recipe: ...
Cannabis use among older adults has seen a marked increase in recent years, according to a new survey by the University of Michigan. The study highlights that one-fifth of people over the age of 50 ...
The current climate crisis and the depletion of natural resources have driven a profound change in industries and society. In this context, green chemicals have become the protagonists of the ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has taken a major step in the fight against antibiotic resistance, better known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with the publication of its first guide dedicated ...
大脑是人体最重要的器官之一,是我们认知、情感和身体功能的中心。在我们的一生中照顾它不仅对于良好的生活质量至关重要,而且对于预防阿尔茨海默氏症或帕金森氏症等神经退行性疾病也 ...
瓶装水的故事是一部由 安妮伦纳德用“事物的故事”的风格来解释购买的后果 瓶装水而不是从水龙头里取水。 安妮·伦纳德再次为我们带来了一部非常有趣的纪录片,讲述了我们对自然资源的 ...
加密货币作为传统系统的创新替代品已经闯入全球金融格局。这些基于区块链技术的数字货币提供了一种去中心化、安全和透明的交易方式。自 2009 年比特币诞生以来,已经出现了数千种加密 ...
我们必须将这种奶昔视为饮食的补充,而不是以此为基础进行饮食,因为它没有满足我们需要的必要营养。 结肠在我们的消化过程中起着重要作用。 它负责排除身体不需要的毒素,还具有吸收 ...
El desayuno es considerado una de las comidas más importantes del día, ya que rompe el ayuno nocturno y proporciona la energía necesaria para iniciar nuestras actividades diarias. El enfoque de un ...