Viking runestone, Sweden, 8th c. A.D.
Clockwise from left: shod horse hoof, tinderbox contents, Viking-period arrowhead Humans and animals have traversed the icy landscape of Norway’s Jotunheimen Mountains for thousands of years.
An aerial photograph of Hala Sultan Tekke on Cyprus shows excavations of two of the city’s industrial quarters.(Courtesy Peter M. Fischer) More than 40 years ago, a Turkish sponge diver named ...
Mus musculus musculus molar (above left) and Eastern European house mouse (above right) Orton says that it remains unclear exactly how the eastern house mouse came to inhabit Vinča-Belo Brdo at a ...
DONEGAL, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND—A slab of bog butter weighing nearly 50 pounds was discovered by a farmer digging a drain in a bog near Ireland’s northwestern coastline, according to a report in ...
People who lived throughout Europe during the Ice Age may have practiced ritual cannibalism. Between 23,500 and 13,500 years ago, these hunters left traces of their culture, known as Magdalenian ...
One of the largest known underground mausoleums in Luxor, Egypt, was not built for a king or other member of the nobility, but for a priest named Padiamenope, who lived in the seventh century B.C ...
A large-scale excavation in the middle of Berlin has uncovered artifacts and structures dating back eight centuries, including the foundations and machinery of the city’s first electrical plant ...
Excavations along the I-95 corridor in Philadelphia revealed the square foundations of annealing ovens used in the Dyottville Glass Works during the early nineteenth century.(Courtesy AECOM ...