Lewy body dementia (LBD) is characterized by the presence of Lewy bodies in the brain. Lewy bodies are abnormal protein clumps that accumulate in the brain's nerve cells, leading to cognitive decline ...
The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically affected the mental health of everyone — including our children. Whether it is the box that contains the morning’s cereal or the plastic wrap we protect our meat ...
Why is a healthy liver so important? Well, the liver and kidneys are our detox organs. The liver is, in fact, the second largest organ after our skin, and its size indicates the tremendous ...
Once a common household pest and then largely eradicated, the bed bug has made a surprising return in the twenty-first century. Although the problem is not as prevalent as it was a century ago, if you ...
Primary bone cancer is rare, making up around 0.2 percent of all cancers, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Researchers say the onset could be linked to hereditary factors, but a ...
Creatinine, a critical blood chemical, is produced from creatine phosphate during muscle exertion. It represents the residual waste after the muscular system has utilized the necessary energy for ...
Shingles is a common but serious viral infection that causes a painful rash. Only people who have had chickenpox can get shingles -- both are caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). After ...
Dementia is a group of conditions that impact memory, thinking, and social skills. To be diagnosed with dementia, a person's symptoms have to impede routine functioning and reflect a drastic decline ...
Have you ever felt like you’re fighting a silent battle—one that affects not just your body but your emotions, your relationships, and your sense of self? If so, you’re not alone. Polycystic Ovary ...
Jennifer Trimbee, RN specializes in pediatrics and has worked in many areas, from pediatric intensive care to private duty nursing. In addition to continuing to practice nursing, for the last three ...
Depression takes many forms and levels of intensity. Anyone, regardless of age, sex, and financial standing, can develop depression. This mental health disorder has physical and emotional side effects ...