Ethiopian migrants in Egypt trapped in a cycle of abuse, arbitrary detention as GERD tensions rise Addis Standard - ...
Addis Abeba – The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has issued a statement voicing concern over actions taken by Ethiopian authorities in the Somali Regional State, which the group claims ...
Addis Abeba – The ongoing conflict in urban areas located in the Central and North Gondar zones of the Amhara region continues to claim civilian lives. In an interview with Addis Standard, residents ...
Professor Beyene Petros, a prominent Ethiopian politician, educator, and researcher, passed away today, 17 September, 2024, at the age of 74. Beyene was serving as the Director General of the Policy ...
Finfinnee, Amajjii 09/2024 – Qormaata madaallii gahumsaafi amala hojjettoota bulchiinsa magaalaa Finfinnee Muddee 30, 2023 kennameen hojjettoota mootummaa qormaaticha fudhatan 15,151 keessaa kanneen 6 ...
Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD), chairman of the TPLF (right), and Amanuel Assefa, who replaced Getachew Reda as deputy chairman of the party (Photo: TPLF) Addis Abeba – The Tigray People’s Liberation ...
Finfinnee, Hagayya 12, 2024 – Dura taa’aan Paartii Adda Bilisumma Ummata Tigraay (ABUT) Dabra Tsiyoon G/Mikaa’el (PhD) murtee boordiin filannoo biyyaalessaa paartii isaanii akka haaraatti akka ...
Finfinnee Muddee 01, 2023 – Haleellaawwan garaagaraa naannoo oromiya godinoota Arsiifi Qeellam Walaggaa keessatti raawwatamaeen lammileen nagaa 45 ajjeeffaman. Haleellaan kunneen hordoftoota amantaa ...
Addis Abeba – A new report by the Economist Intelligence Unit predicts that Addis Abeba will emerge as a key urban hotspot in Africa by 2035. Joining Addis Abeba on the list of predicted hotspots are ...
On 18 September, 2024, Getachew Reda, President of the Tigray interim administration, met with Alexis Lamek, the French Ambassador to Ethiopia, and discussed the full implementation of the Pretoria ...
Finfinnee, Bitootessa 12/2024 – Bulchiinsi Yeroo Tigraay loltoota duraanii kuma 100 ol ta’an marsaa lamaan hidhannoo hiikkachiisuu beeksise. Haata’u malee, namoota hidhannoo hiikkatan kunneen ...