John Bardeen was born on May 23, 1908 in Madison, Wisconsin. He was the second son of Dr. Charles Russell Bardeen, dean of the University of Wisconsin medical school, and Althea Harmer Bardeen ...
John Bardeen was born on May 23, 1908 in Madison, Wisconsin. He was the second son of Dr. Charles Russell Bardeen, dean of the University of Wisconsin medical school, and Althea Harmer Bardeen ...
John Bardeen had met William Shockley when they were both in school in Massachusetts. In 1945, when World War 2 ended, Shockley was put in charge of a new research group at Bell Labs and he wanted ...
On the morning of Thursday, November 1, 1956, John Bardeen was making breakfast and listening to the radio. As he scrambled his eggs, he heard a newscaster announce that the Nobel Prize in physics had ...
图源:Black hole - Wikipedia 但是,黑洞与黑洞之间又确实存在差异 ... 1973年,著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)、詹姆斯·巴丁(James M. Bardeen)和布兰登·卡特(Brandon Carter)断言,极端黑洞不可能存在于现实世界中——单从理论上来说,它们就没有可能 ...
As well as oscillators and amplifiers he created solid state radio receivers, both regenerative and superhetrodyne, several decades before [John Bardeen], [William Shockley], and [Walter Brattain ...
图源:Black hole-Wikipedia 但是,黑洞与黑洞之间又确实存在差异 ... 1973年,著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)、詹姆斯·巴丁(James M.Bardeen)和布兰登·卡特(Brandon Carter)断言,极端黑洞不可能存在于现实世界中——单从理论上来说,它们就没有可能 ...
1908年5月23日,約翰·巴丁出生在威斯康星州麥迪遜市。他是父亲查尔斯·拉塞尔·巴丁(Charles Russell Bardeen)博士与母亲海伦·哈默(Althea Harmer)的第2个儿子。他的父親是威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校解剖學教授和第1任醫學院院長。他的母亲海伦·巴丁結婚前曾任教於 ...
Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal called for India to have its own Silicon Valley. But how did the place in ...
Faculty, student and staff recipients listed here performed their award-winning work at Princeton, were employed by or studying at Princeton when they received their award, or are currently working at ...
Forman, Paul 1995. "Swords into ploughshares": Breaking new ground with radar hardware and technique in physical research after World War II. Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 67, Issue. 2, p. 397.