第4作战区「天马操演」实弹射击昨日圆满落幕,参演官兵连日于国境之南的屏东枋山,在酷暑炙热下,顶着30多度的高温,专心致志于实弹射击各个 ...
据台湾中时新闻网8月28日报道,台军近日举行年度“天马操演”实弹射击,期间还公布新式“M41A7 ITAS‘陶’式导弹发射系统”,然而操演期间却发生命中率低的情况,引起质疑声音。
Performative allyship is showing up when it is convenient and self-serving. This could be due to various reasons from news-cycle activity to prioritizing one’s own ego above the needs of others.
视频反映了台军在“天马操演”中射击拖式2A反装甲飞弹,但因命中率低,出现了多枚飞弹直接坠海的情况。 事件背景 近日,海外社交平台上流传 ...
【环球网报道】据台湾中时新闻网8月30日报道,台军26日在屏东枋山地区实施年度“天马操演”,进行“陶”式导弹实弹射击,白天发射17枚“陶”式 ...
This hallowed ground had been avoided by Trump for the last three years, but now was a perfect opportunity to engage in what ...
中新网8月28日电 据台湾《联合报》报道,台军本周在屏东枋山进行“天马操演”“陶氏”导弹实弹射击,现场计算成绩不佳,有导弹不慎脱靶坠海。台军方28日表示,这次参演的官兵有二分之一 ...
A new study has found that performative work accounts for a third of the day. We speak to an expert and ask: in a world so fixated on productivity, is spending time on performative work really our ...
However, beneath the surface lies a troubling truth—much of what passes for patriotism on the Right is little more than ...
【环球网报道】据台湾中时新闻网8月28日报道,台军近日举行年度“天马操演”实弹射击,期间还公布新式“M41A7 ITAS‘陶’式导弹发射系统”,然而 ...
This hallowed ground had been avoided by Trump for the last three years, but now was a perfect opportunity to engage in what he has mastered better than most politicians; performative patriotism.