But as the winter flu and cold season sets in, and children have gone back to school, many people are sharing that they are ...
As cold and flu season approaches, the situation is becoming more complex with the recent emergence of the new COVID-19 ...
Bogoch表示,COVID XEC 的影响可能与去年冬天的变种病毒类似,不过情况可能会发生变化。Bogoch表示,加拿大人通常会在秋季和冬季看到新冠感染激增。
A new covid-19 variant called XEC may spread more easily than past variants, but current vaccines are still effective against ...
Experts say the variant is particularly transmissible and has some new mutations that might help it spread this autumn ...
This increase coincides with the detection of the new XEC variant in 27 countries across Europe, Asia, and North America.
When it comes to where the new variant has been detected, right now, it’s more common in Europe. Currently, it’s been ...
据埃及门户网站麦斯拉维9月21日报道,美国疾病控制与预防中心警告说,新型冠状病毒变种XEC在欧洲的德国和其他几个国家出现后迅速传播。 据thehealthsite称,XEC突变体是奥密克戎(Omicron)突变体亚种的混合版本,目前在欧洲占主导地位。
据报道,一种名为XEC的新冠新变体正在海外蔓延,专家警告说,它可能在几周内到达澳大利亚。 莫纳什大学流行病学和预防医学副教授James Trauer说,两种变体结合产生了XEC,它可能成为新的主导类型。 随着病例数的上升,这里有您需要了解的信息。
L'Italia ha registrato una diminuzione dei casi di Covid nell'ultima settimana con 8.490 nuovi casi, un calo del 12% rispetto ...
The side effects of newly discovered COVID strain XEC might not be more severe, but appears to be more contagious, ...
通用汽车公司宣布召回超过 449,000 辆 SUV 和皮卡,因为当刹车液过少时,电子刹车控制模块软件可能不会显示警告灯。这会降低刹车性能并增加发生碰撞的风险。 加拿大受影响的车辆为38,382辆。