The people's hearts, once joined in Christian love, might battle successfully the sophistries of European religion (based ominously on both intellect and tyranny); the American churches ...
Now this "best book on government" is killing to every form of tyranny or slavery; its arguments pierce all their fallacies and crush all their sophistries. That famous plea which makes Alison ...
Thus, dialectics was converted into a system of sophistries which provided an imposing cover for the evasion of political responsibilities and the betrayal of principles. By the early 1970s ...
And as long as truth rightfully compels me to make that answer, it also compels me to fight for Tilden's amateur status against all combinations of men, circumstances, and sophistries.
12] Instead, Hansen resorted to sophistries and cynical equivocations to persuade the SWP that the written and spoken views of Guevara and Castro did not really matter: Leon Trotsky remarked in ...
During the Democratic National Convention, when top Democrats were out of town, Utah’s Republican-dominated legislature ...
It invites political dangers for Trump, and for Republicans in Congress, for him to mouth tired Beltway sophistries on the topic now that he’s in office.
Conditioned by the sophistries of Critical Race Theory and the ubiquitous propaganda of The 1619 Project, millions of Americans would feel tempted to identify the United States as slavery’s most ...
With ferocious frankness, Brownlow and Mollo propose that the British, by succumbing to the sophistries of reverse racialism, have become entirely too smug about the Germans and their responses to ...
His most recent books include: Hegel's India (Oxford, 2017, nominated for Book of the Year 2017) Plato's Labyrinth: Sophistries, Lies and Conspiracies in Socratic Dialogues (Routledge, 2017), and ...
to defend us against the enchantment of so many sophistries with which they seek to justify this bill." Nevertheless, Allen notes that in 2001 Bergoglio "visited a hospice to kiss and wash the ...
His most recent books include: Hegel's India (Oxford, 2017, nominated for Book of the Year 2017) Plato's Labyrinth: Sophistries, Lies and Conspiracies in Socratic Dialogues (Routledge, 2017), and ...