This is a collection of stories of Muruga, who is known as Kartik, Subramanian, Skanda, etc. Lord Muruga stories are based on Hindu Puranas. Son of Shiva, Muruga is Deva Senapati, the commander of the ...
Evil eye is known as Kudrishti or Karikannu in Hindu religion. The glances of people with impure or harmful intentions, jealousy or rivalry are categorized under evil eye. It is difficult to determine ...
Vidyaraja is a significant form of Bhairava, one of the eight (Ashta Bhairava) incarnations of Lord Shiva, each of whom plays a role in protecting and preserving the universe. The Ashtabhairavas ...
Devaraja Form of Bhairava is a highly significant and powerful manifestation of Lord Bhairava, one of the fierce forms of Lord Shiva. Bhairava is often considered a protector and a destroyer of ...
Sankashti Chaturthi 2024 dates as per Hindu lunar calendar in India and the Sankashti list is given below with Chandrodaya time today (moonrise time today) in Pune, Mumbai, and Maharashtra. Sankashti ...
In Hindu astrology and worship, Venus is personified as the planet Shukra or Shukracharya. He is one of the Navagrahas (nine planets) and represents beauty, love, wealth, pleasure, and artistic skills ...
Unconscious bias refers to the automatic, mental shortcuts used to process information and make decisions quickly. These biases often stem from societal stereotypes and personal experiences, ...
According to the Vamana Purana, the Vighnaraja form of Bhairava appeared during Lord Shiva's battle with the demon Andhakasura, a powerful asura (demon) who represents ignorance and blind desire.
Durga: Originates from Hindu mythology and is worshipped primarily in India and Nepal. Durga is a major deity in Hinduism, known for her role as a warrior goddess. Xiwangmu: Known as the Queen Mother ...
According to the Vamana Purana, Svacchanda Bhairava appeared during a duel between Lord Shiva and the demon Andhakasura. Andhakasura, a formidable enemy, represented ignorance and darkness, and ...
Overcoming weakness in Hinduism is approached holistically, blending physical, mental, and spiritual practices. Hindu philosophy views weakness as something that can be transcended through devotion ...
Nagaraja, meaning “King of Serpents,” is one of the eight primary forms of Bhairava – a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva. Bhairava is known for his destructive and transformative powers, acting as ...