Even if you have looked at our online finding aids, etc., it is always important to contact us. You can always ask any of us about any collection, but Chloe Gerson ...
In its 50 years, Brandeis University has evolved from impudent upstart to respected peer among the finest American institutions of higher education. Founded in an atmosphere composed of enthusiasm and ...
Even if you have looked at our online finding aids, etc., it is always important to contact us. You can always ask any of us about any collection, but Chloe Gerson ...
First, try searching or browsing the finding aids database. Not every collection is included yet, but more are added periodically. Search the online library catalog through OneSearch for rare books, ...
The Robert D. Farber University Archives & Special Collections Department offers a range of services to the Brandeis and broader research communities. In addition to acquiring, preserving, and ...
Leonard Alfred Schneider (October 13, 1925 – August 3, 1966), better known as Lenny Bruce, was a comedian, author, and social critic, whose corrosive and transgressive satire as well as his boldness ...