Learning more about the pros and cons of a raw diet for dogs is important so dog owners can make an informed decision before starting a dog on a raw diet. Here's veterinarian Dr. Anna Cherry's guide ...
Interestingly, there is a relationship between dogs and bears. No, this doesn't mean that at some point there was some love affair going on between Rover and Winnie the Pooh. It just means that, if we ...
Abdominal breathing in dogs is something to be concerned about. It can be a hallmark sign of significant respiratory compromise and the breathing may be labored. Have your dog see the emergency vet at ...
Scabs on the edges of dog ears may be an annoying ordeal to deal with. Not only are the scabs very unsightly, but they may be difficult to treat especially when an exact underlying cause has not been ...
The side effects of Cerenia for dogs is something for dog owners to watch for so to take prompt action should any arise. Cerenia is fairly new drug that may be given as an injection or given by mouth ...
If your dog won't put weight on his back leg, you are rightfully concerned, dog's don't go limping like that unless there's a good reason to. Discover several potential causes for back leg lameness in ...
The causes of a crusty nose in dogs are various and it is therefore important investigating any underlying potential causes. Discover several causes of a crusty nose in dogs. The causes of a crusty ...
You may have noticed how many livestock guardian dogs are white, why is that? Were livestock guardian dogs selectively bred to be white on purpose, or was it a casual happening? Let's discover more ...
Pyometra in female dog is a very serious conditions that can easily cost a dog's life if left untreated. All owners of intact female dogs should be aware of this condition and the devastating effects ...
If you're wondering at what age female dogs breed, you likely have some big projects in mind. Countless dog owners dream of their dogs having a litter and who doesn't love the pitter patter of small ...
Dogs have a higher temperature compared to humans and dog owners may wonder why Rover is always feeling hot. Sure, it's true that dogs do not sweat like us humans do so they may cool themselves down ...
Hair loss around a dog's eyes can be concerning, and the issue can be more than just cosmetic. If your dog is suffering from this, don't underestimate the problem, there may be eye issues and skin ...