Wavea Flite's free version is packed with samples from Yamaha CS-80, Roland Juno 106, Jupiter 8, SH-101, Oberheim OB-8, ...
I n this weekly series, we share highlight clips from the past week of some of the podcasts on The Nashville Podcast Network- In The Vet's Office with Dr. Josie, Take This Persona ...
有了图像视图,有了采样器,此时我们可以选择将两者打包到一起传入流水线,即形成一个“组合图像采样器”(Combined Image Sampler),代表“用这个采样器采样的这个图像”。Combined Image Sampler 同样是一种 Descriptor 类型(VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER)。
KEY的迷你3辑主打曲《Pleasure Shop》是一首将独特Synth Pad模式和鼓点完美结合的舞曲式电子House风格歌曲。KEY参与创作的歌词讲述了“半机械人KEY”引领人们走向自己世界的故事,增加了听众的趣味。同时,歌曲中清凉的歌声和充满活力的说唱展现了KEY多彩的魅力。
Roland just released an (almost) pocket-sized sampler with a built-in mic. The Aira P-6 also includes a sequencer, granular synthesis and plenty of effects.
此外,《I Know》是一首复古House风格的歌曲,具有层次丰富的贝斯音效、明亮的‌Synth Chord和轻快的Snap音效,歌词讲述了抢夺对方的潜意识和被迷惑的话者的内心,为整张专辑增添了故事性的连贯性,期待获得良好的反响。
Factors that increase rats into your home include cold weather, increased flooding, litter and overflowing bins but a rat catcher has some handy tips to make sure they stay out for good.
Strip Sampler-01条形取样器是一款可以批量剪裁条形试样的产品,适用于需要大批量、频繁剪裁条形试样的情况。本产品可以切割等宽的条形试样,一次剪裁多条试样的方式使得试样外形统一、尺寸准确,且试样无毛刺飞边。本装置成本低,效率高,且无需外接电源 ...
You could plug a sampler cartridge into your Amiga and be in the dance charts in no time, something which sparked a boom in electronic music creativity. As retrocomputing interest has soared so ...
It’s a sound sampler and groove box—pretty much the same as last year’s EP-133 K.O. II—but with a Middle Ages twist. You can drop your own sounds into the device, but it’s so packed with ...