主要生长在北半球的蔓越莓,二战后被发现富含抗氧化的花青素、前花青素等多酚类、酮类物质,经学界多项实验证明,适当服用有增强免疫系统、防止泌尿系统感染的潜力。新上市的太阳星全效蔓越莓益生菌,以高浓缩蔓越莓与6株益菌,打造每日女性专属的轻保养保健食品,全方 ...
All four plants showed antibacterial activity against at least one strain of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli bacteria.
First up is Pineal Guard. From what I’ve gathered, Pineal Guard is designed to act as a protective shield for the pineal ...
Wild gorillas eat the same tree bark used by traditional healers, which can inhibit the growth of E. coli in petri dishes, ...
When you think of fall, most people think of vibrant cornucopias and heavy desserts. But fall is bursting with just as many ...
榛子除了像其他坚果一样提供优质油份之外,它还同时提供了更加广泛谷胺醇和投资光学活性天然产物——原芝士甙(Proanthocyanidins)。后者能够保证 ...
Cashews are filled with the goodness of copper and antioxidants which promotes healthy and glowing skin. Cashews contain high ...
Four plants consumed by wild gorillas in Gabon and used by local communities in traditional medicine show antibacterial and ...
Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to keep yourself hydrated and your bladder from getting irritated. It will help you pee more frequently, helping flush out the bacteria effectively.
A dietitian shares five autumn fruits and vegetables that are not only delicious but also pack a powerful nutritional punch.
Four plants used by wild gorillas in Gabon could be promising targets for future drug research, a new study says.
Wild great apes often consume medicinal plants that can treat their ailments. The same plants are often used by local people ...