The most accepted model to explain this property of lentiviruses is that nucleophilic virion proteins chaperone viral nucleic acids across the nuclear envelope. A recent study by Zennou and ...
Researchers developed a highly selective fluorescent probe to image serotonin in cells and animal models, shedding light on ...
For example, alcohols can undergo nucleophilic displacements of the hydroxyl functionality, carboxaldehydes can participate in condensations with primary amines to form enamines and carboxylic ...
Constructing complex molecules from simpler ones is pivotal for the development of pharmaceuticals, materials science, and ...
Afterward, facilitated by proximity, a second bond is formed (nucleophilic reaction between an amino group in serotonin and a ...
Ligation depends on magnesium and a high-energy cofactor, either ATP or NAD +. The reaction mechanism involves 3 sequential nucleotidyl transfer reactions. In the first step, nucleophilic attack on ...
"We also focused on cysteine because it's the most nucleophilic amino acid," says first author Evert Njomen, PhD, an HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellow at Scripps Research and a postdoctoral research ...
This led the team to investigate using a new click ‘connecting hub’ – thionyl tetrafluoride gas (SOF 4). This ‘hub’ molecule was first reported in 1902 and has four replaceable fluoride sites for ...
MK-STYX is a novel protein included in the dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase class that lacks the essential nucleophilic cysteine required for phosphatase activity.
Serotonin in depression is highly relevant in diagnosis, treatment, and drug development. To better study this area, a Chinese team has now developed a fluorescent probe for imaging processes that is ...
Serotonin in depression is highly relevant in diagnosis, treatment, and drug development. To better study this area, a Chinese team has now developed a fluorescent probe for imaging processes that is ...
"We also focused on cysteine because it's the most nucleophilic amino acid," says first author Evert Njomen, Ph.D., an HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellow at Scripps Research and a postdoctoral research ...