Vodafone Idea Ltd. has signed a $3.6 billion contract with companies including Nokia Oyj for the supply of equipment to the ...
Nokia had claimed the unauthorized use of its video-related technologies in streaming services and devices by Amazon.
A German court has ruled that Amazon is using Nokia's patented video technologies without a license, the Finnish network ...
Vodafone Idea's shares rose 8.3% after announcing $3.6 billion deals with Nokia, Ericsson, and Samsung for telecom equipment ...
2024年,股市估值飙升,很多投资者开始担心还能不能继续买买买。当然,市场不缺少机会,问题在于现在要想抓住这些机会,难度大增。 不知道接下来该怎么投?有个方法,就是参考年内领跑的投资组合,看看他们抓住了哪些有望大涨的潜力股。
The deal is the first step towards Vi's three-year capex plan of $6.6 billion, and is aimed at expanding Vi's 4G population ...
电信设备制造商 Infinera Corporation (NASDAQ:INFN) 宣布,其与 Nokia Corporation 计划合并的一个重要监管障碍已经清除。1976年《Hart-Scott-Rodino反托拉斯改进法案》 (HSR 法案)规定的等待期于2024年9月13日 (周日)到期,推动了合并进程。
The company has continued with its existing long-term partners, Nokia and Ericsson, and has onboarded Samsung as a new ...
Vodafone Idea (Vi) has concluded a mega $3.6-billion deal with global network partners Nokia, Ericsson and Samsung for the ...
Nokia has announced a strategic partnership with Zain Iraq to upgrade the telecom operator's network in the south of Iraq amid increasing traffic demand. The three-year deal marks the Finnish group’s ...
Vodafone Idea has concluded a mega $3.6 billion deal with Nokia, Ericsson and Samsung, for the supply of network equipment ...
(台北22日讯)台湾一名男子刚认识一名女生,对方用著安卓手机,让他惊讶称“这种就是所谓的必娶女人吧?”引发网民论战。台媒报导,男子在Dcard平台发文表示,最近认识一名女生,聊天过程中发现她的手机并非iPhone而是安卓手机,让他直呼“惊讶之馀觉得实属难得!”他遂好奇地询问,“你拿安 ...