Definition: Nanofibers are fibers with diameters in the nanometer range, typically less than 100 nm. They are known for their high surface area to volume ratio, flexibility in surface functionalities, ...
Neutrons in space radiation negatively affect life activities and cause electronic devices to malfunction, posing a major ...
In a recent study, researchers from Japan tackled these issues by developing a novel piezoelectric composite material made from electrospun polyvinylidene fluoride nanofibers combined with dopamine.
Diabetes, a widespread condition affecting approximately 13% of American adults, is often accompanied by complications such ...
Recent breakthroughs have vastly expanded the understanding of morphological, structural, magnetic, thermal, and mechanical ...
For billions of years, DNA has quietly carried the blueprints for all life on Earth, encoding instructions for everything ...
Catalyx Nanotech has announced that they have successfully used landfill gas (LFG) obtained from a closed southern California landfill to produce 0.5 Kg of high-value Platelet Graphite Nanofibers ...
Community Champions” is a media campaign led by the South Okanagan-Similkameen Local Immigration Partnership (SOSLIP) and ...
In a study published in Energy & Environmental Science, researchers from the Interface Science Department at the Fritz Haber ...
Thanks to the emergence of immunosensors for HBV and HCV detection. The global market for Hepatitis B and C diagnostics is ...