Several committees were appointed at the meeting, including one in charge of mimeographing literature on the machines in the basement of University Hall, one in charge of supplying food ...
including the use of mimeographing machines and IBM calculators. He added that faculty members often helped the students compile their material more accurately, but said that every department in ...
Star Trek was a big deal among that crowd, and two super-fans Bjo and John Trimble extended the campaign to Trekkies, already ...
Top wage is now $98 per month, bottom wage, $45. By selecting plain, large quarters for rental, by mimeographing catalogues, manuals and books instead of printing them, and in general by going ...
Deng not only co-edited and wrote articles for the journal but also cut stencils and did the mimeographing. At about this time groups of Chinese Communist Party and Youth League members in Europe ...