Prostate is a walnut-shaped gland located at the base of the bladder surrounding the urinary passage (urethra) and is present ...
Post-micturition convulsion syndrome is more common in men, compared to women. A Urologist explains why some men tend to shiver while peeing. Dysuria is a condition where you may experience mild ...
Micturition syncope – fainting while peeing – occurs when the alcohol you drink makes your blood pressure suddenly drop. The phenomenon is common mainly in older men, and is more common in the ...
In his famously tyranical work environments, isn't it conceivable that he's simply providing someone else's micturition, which indeed tests clean even if he has been doing drugs? It's gross ...
In the infant (less than 1 year old), micturition occurs via a reflex mechanism mediated by the spinal cord. During bladder filling, the bladder reaches an intrinsic volume threshold, which ...
Albuterol (as sulfate) 4mg; ext-rel tabs. Avoid excessive use. Sensitivity to sympathomimetics. Discontinue if paradoxical bronchospasm or cardiovascular effects occur. Cardiovascular disease (eg ...
Given as neoadjuvant treatment, TAR-200 plus cetrelimab generated responses in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
Patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer who were treated with presurgical chemotherapy may have a 55% lower risk of ...
62.5% of patients had a TRAE, the most common of which were bladder spasm, pollakiuria, dysuria, micturition urgency, and hematuria. The AE profile is manageable and there were no surprises in ...
The Impact of Perineal Trauma on Postpartum Women at Ndola Teaching Hospital, Zambia: A Phenomenological Study ...
Classification of pediatric urinary incontinence has been complicated by the lack of standardized definitions. In 1997, the International Children's Continence Society addressed this problem by ...