The unique feature of this compact student's introduction to Mathematica® and the Wolfram Language™ is that the order of the material closely follows a standard mathematics curriculum. As a result, it ...
A project -based course starting with an introduction to the basic features of Mathematica. A project that allows the student to focus on certain features in more detail is required and occupies the ...
Mathematica is a computational software program, integrating computation into complete workflows, used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing. To ...
Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) is a condition in which symptoms persist 6 months after the patient has received ...
THIS work contains some thousands of propositions, each, with its proof, expressed in a shorthand so concise that if they were all expanded into ordinary language, the room taken up would be ten ...
Complex Analysis with Mathematica offers a way of learning and teaching a subject that lies at the heart of many areas of pure and applied mathematics, physics, engineering and even art. This book ...
9月11日,浙江大学数学高等研究院在官方微信公众号刊文:近日,浙江大学数学高等研究院教授孙崧与其博士后——美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校助理教授张若冰合作的题为《Collapsing geometry of hyperkähler 4-manifolds ...
沃尔夫拉姆本人是计算科学、物理学和数学领域的著名学者,又是广泛流行的数学软件 Mathematica和计算知识引擎 Wolfram Alpha的主要设计师,可谓学术和商业领域的“双料巨人”。
Trick the enemies into defeat with your mystifying maths skills as you battle to save Mathematica. Choose a character, then add, subtract, divide and multiply numbers to battle your way to victory ...
More comprehensive vendor risk management practices and ‘backup as a service’ are two ways IT leaders are looking to better ...
然而, 随后入职华科大的她,竟创造了新的历史,成为了新中国成立以来第二位以独立作者的身份在数学界顶级期刊《Acta Mathematica》发文的中国内地学者。