We purchased a batch of 40 adult Long-Evans male rats (300–350 g body weight) from a laboratory animal supplier for studies on sexual behavior. We kept the males in pairs in shoebox cages in a ...
Chronic stress can have adverse effects on both the minds and bodies of affected individuals. Past studies suggest that ...
Normal rat posture results in proximity of the scrotum to bedding and feces, which predisposes rats to postoperative complications if castration is done using standard scrotal and prescrotal ...
减脂反而导致了【老态】,已经在临床届的“网红药物”司美格鲁肽的效果中印证: 在使用【司美格鲁肽】快速瘦身成功的人群中,不仅出现了反弹,而且看上去貌似都“老了几岁”。这种由于体重快速下降而伴随的皮肤松弛、皱纹增多,在欧美已经有了一个统称——司美脸(Ozempic Face): ...
2015 年,空军军医大学西京医院专家团队实施中国首例人子宫移植手术,将母亲的子宫移植给 22 岁「先天性无子宫」的女儿。此例手术通过机器人辅助子宫获取、原位置换和固定、血运重建以及血管吻合。术后 40 天受试者出现初潮,并在术后 12 个月的随访中月经周期表现正常。[8] ...
Perhaps it's a subconscious rebellion against the traditional, often unattainable beauty standards that have dominated pop ...
The study involved 66 male Wistar rats, 21 days old at the start of the research. Wistar rats, a strain of laboratory albino ...
Together, the findings suggested that 17α-estradiol extensively reshaped the cell populations, cellular communication, neuropeptide secretion, and neural synapse activity in aged hypothalamus, which ...
Law enforcement agencies must take animal abuse cases seriously since they are precursors to abuse of children and the ...
Three pet rats, one overweight and requiring veterinary care, have been found dumped in a taped-up cardboard box under the ...
Their population was revived over a 15-year periodThousands of rare spiders the size of rats have been released across ...
Wong et al. (2019) used a sensory preconditioning protocol to examine how sensory and fear memories are integrated in the rat medial temporal lobe. In this protocol, rats integrate a sound-light ...