Many cultures used abaci or something similar (such as the Inca quipu). We chose to build two abaci from different cultures in order to compare them: the Russian (Schoty) abacus and the Japanese ...
This 3-kopek stamp honors Yuri Gagarin, the first man to orbit the Earth. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin rode in a Vostok spacecraft and made a single orbit of the Earth to become the first human ...
This stamp 20-kopek stamp illustrates the flight of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) in July 1975 with a drawing by the Soviet Soyuz Commander, Aleksei Leonov. During the ASTP mission, an American ...
During our acquaintance in Moscow, in the winter, with the family of Count Lyeff Nikoláievitch Tolstóy, the famous novelist, the countess had said to us: “You must come and visit us at ...
Reverse Text: 50 КОПѢЕКЪ 1895 Г. This coin worth 50 kopeks was struck in Russia in 1895, under Nicholas II who ruled from 1894 - 1917. Last Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II was assassinated with his ...
Prices were artificially low. "You could get a kilo of sugar for 78 kopeks," she said. "Butter, only 60! Now, I don't even buy it." Education and medical care were free. As for a vacation ...
The population of Solovetsky is about 1,000 inhabitants. The official currency of Russia is the ruble, which is divided into one hundred kopeks. It is illegal to pay in foreign currency. ATM's are ...
The official currency of Russia is the ruble, which is divided into one hundred kopeks. It is illegal to pay in foreign currency. ATM's are many. Most upscale establishments will accept credit cards.