动物伦理学的开创者、著名哲学家彼得·辛格就曾礼貌地回应一位喜爱小动物的女士:他不是基于个人情感而从事动物保护运动的,他之所以倡导“动物解放”,是因为动物本身就具有道德地位。辛格是一位功利主义者。按照功利主义的理论,伦理学的首要原则是,人们的行动应当产 ...
上海科技大学/清华大学饶子和院士、中国食品药品检定研究院胡忠玉及上海科技大学王权等人在国际顶尖学术期刊 Science 上发表了题为: Inherent symmetry and flexibility in hepatitis B virus ...
2024年9月12日,上海科技大学饶子和、王权、中国食品药品检定研究院Hu Zhongyu共同通讯在Science在线发表题为“Inherent symmetry and flexibility in hepatitis B virus ...
The announcement would come 10 years after the U.S.’ establishment of the multi-national Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and its military component, Combined Joint Task Force — Operation Inherent ...
A decision to cut the length of time high-risk offenders spend in probation hostels after their release from prison poses a ...
记者: 据报道,菲国家海事委员会发言人称,菲方不会离开仙宾礁相关海域,将继续组织巡逻补给。此外,针对中国对菲在南海活动采取的行动,美防长奥斯汀在与菲防长通话时重申了美对菲的坚定承诺。请问发言人有何评论?
A Chinese spokesperson on Thursday urged the United States to immediately stop arming China's Taiwan region and sending ...
After doing some research, I learned the Pepsis Wasp is actually a pretty infamous insect. It has one of the most painful ...
Stephanie Syjuco has explored American museums and institutional archives for representations of the Philippines during the American occupation. Cognizant of the way that the seemingly neutral ...
Leaders of various outfits have reacted sharply to the BJP’s claim regarding justification of amendments to the Waqf Act.
The majority of retail traders and investors have a bullish bias in stock markets. There is a good enough reason why this ...