子龙同学分享了自己在学习旅程中的心理转变,以及他养成良好的学习习惯、取得优异成绩的经历。刚进初中时,他曾感到困惑。由于英语发音不标准,他在课堂上不敢回答老师提出的问题;课后,很难记住单词的发音和拼写;做数学题时,总找不到正确的解题思路。老师用“农民播 ...
美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)在联邦公开市场委员会会议后的新闻发布会上告诉记者,降息50个基点是为了表明官员们“有信心”当前劳动力市场的强劲势头能够在货币政策的“适当调整”的情况下持续下去,但市场仍在抛售。
BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- There is some good news for farmers in Yinjiayuan, a village in Jiangsu Province, east China.
Better understanding of probability can help us make better choices | ...
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
The hook, as you may guess, refers to the hook anglers use to catch fish with. An angler, you see, put a little piece of meat ...
Distinguished guests visited Shanghai Museum East Branch on Saturday for a Chinese heritage tour as an appetizer for the 36th ...
乔布斯更为关注的是:在通过工作创造影响力的同时享受生活。在因胰腺癌去世前不久,有消息称乔布斯曾建议迪士尼首席执行官鲍勃·艾格早日告老还乡,享受生活。 《纽约时报》(New York ...
Just days after his sold-out show on September 15, Ye has announced a second listening party in Haikou, China on September 28 ...
Global money is pouring into Southeast Asian stocks amid the Fed's policy shift. Overseas investments have now been flowing ...