北极熊画廊(北京)荣幸的宣布将于2024年9月15日(周日)推出中国著名当代艺术家沈敬东个展 “这世界缺点幽默”,展览由李裕君策展。将呈现艺术家近些年创作的艺术臻品30余幅,期待您的莅临!
意大利百年运动时尚品牌FILA日前宣布推出全新支线FILA+,并于近日正式释出全球首发系列概念大片。FILA+邀请英国高街潮流品牌PALACE创始人Lev Tanju担任创意总监,这也是Lev首次应邀携手运动巨头并担任创意总监一职。"FILA+ is ...
9月11日,中国上海,意大利百年运动时尚品牌FILA日前宣布推出全新支线FILA+,并于近日正式释出全球首发系列概念大片。FILA+邀请英国高街潮流品牌PALACE创始人Lev ...
The Changsha Flower Drum Opera of the Hunan Provincial Flower Drum Opera Protection and Inheritance Center, "The Trial of the Cat", shows that Ms. Wang is so in love with her cat that she not only ...
The curtain has risen on Shanghai International Dance Center Theater's Dance Out of The Box Festival, which focuses on contemporary works by young choreographers and creators. Held every two years, ...
The four-act opera was composed in 1786 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with an Italian libretto written by Lorenzo Da Ponte. The ...