Flocs influence a wide array of environmental phenomena, from the transport and fate of sediments, contaminants and biological matter within rivers and estuaries, to the effective removal of ...
Nutrient removal is achieved primarily by biological means; the most common is through the use of activated sludge, which is a mixture of flocs. Flocs are equivalent to biofilms formed in ...
Western Pacific Ocean - Recent [Note: partially no sound] Storyline: China's Jiaolong manned submersible has recently completed experiments to improve the crew's observation of deep-sea life by ...
In the past the only process used was some form of settlement basin in which the flocs settled out. Nowadays it is common to use either DAF or some form of sludge-blanket clarifier; neither of these ...
Sedimentation removes the heavier particles, known as flocs, from water by moving the aluminum sulfate mixture into basins. Filtration occurs after the water flows out of the sedimentation basin and ...
Hill, P. S., T. G. Milligan, and W. R. Geyer. 2000. Controls on effective settling velocity in the Eel River flood plume. Continental Shelf Research, 20: 2095-2111 ...
Current research involves encapsulation of flocs based on iron hydroxide and barium carbonate, and the corrosion of various metals stored in highly alkaline conditions. Another current interest is in ...