昨天,美联储在四年多来首次降息。这宣告美联储应对曾经非常严重的通货膨胀取得了胜利。降息之后,抵押贷款利率却出现了一种奇怪的波动。30年期房贷固定利率周平均值从6.2%下降至6.09%,日平均值从6.15%提高到6.17%。变化的幅度似乎很小,但考虑到 ...
Club点评:在北京对话主办的“金砖国家与多极世界2024对话会”上,伊朗德黑兰大学教授穆罕默德·马兰迪指出,美西方对伊朗实行数十年制裁,包括限制其发声渠道。他认为,俄罗斯已开始面临类似处境,中国则需要“未雨绸缪”。由于西方控制全球主要社交媒体,全球 ...
Born in 1987 in Sanming, Fujian province, Qiubi said that she got her first Canon compact camera, a gift from her father when ...
虎扑09月13日讯 EPL S20小组赛第十日比赛(C&D组)今夜继续进行:19点30分VP vs Falcons / FURIA vs RED Canids22点30分BIG vs COL ...
时间:2024-09-20 17:13:40 来源:chinadaily.com.cn This photo taken on Sept 13, 2024 shows an experimental high-speed train ...
(拜登政府拟对中国生产的电动汽车征收100%的关税、对半导体和太阳能电池征收50%的关税、对锂离子电池和钢铁、铝和装卸吊车等战略产品征收25%的关税,这些关税原定于8月1日生效,但已两次推迟实施。) ...
Experience the ultimate night out at the Oriental Sunset Rooftop Party, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Shanghai ...
The “rub” can be readily understood in the context of golf. Have you heard of golfers say that they’ve “not had the rub of ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday warned Houthi forces in Yemen that Israel would retaliate after a missile ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...