Eosinophils are white blood cells that play an essential role in the immune system, specifically in fighting diseases and ...
9月7日至9月11日(奥地利维也纳时间),第34届欧洲呼吸学会(ERS 2024) 年会 盛大召开。来自全球各地的呼吸领域顶尖学者齐聚维也纳,为广大呼吸病学者带来了一场精彩的学术盛宴!
In the course of the ALS development program, however, dexpramipexole was observed to produce a significant and targeted depletion of eosinophils in the blood of ALS patients 4. Eosinophils are ...
et al. Additive prognostic value of blood eosinophils and exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) to predict asthma attacks in the ORACLE patient-level meta-analysis. ERS 2024. Poster ID 1205.
AstraZeneca's Fasenra (benralizumab) has been approved by the US FDA for the treatment of eosinophilic granulomatosis with ...
The modern debate over ICSs in COPD has the catnip required to produce an academic catfight. It pits "statements" against ...
We’ve all seen them and some of us have one at home: picky eaters. A toddler that just won’t eat, no matter what you put on ...
“Our mechanism of action is indeed different to that of [Nucala]. They block the cytokine, we actually eliminate the ...
A deep-dive analysis of preschoolers' lungs can help pediatricians identify potential cases of asthma and responsiveness to ...
The phase IIIA trials randomized 792 patients ages 12 and older with severe asthma in a 2:1 ratio to depemokimab (100 mg ...