– 沙特阿拉伯股市在星期一走低,其中农业和食品、保险业和媒体和出版业等下跌的板块带领股指走低。 沙特阿拉伯收盘时,沙特阿拉伯TASI指数跌幅为0.37%。 沙特阿拉伯TASI指数中表现最好的股票为Al Baha ...
夏 璐中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院研究员中共党史党建学院副教授高 蕾对外经济贸易大学马克思主义学院副教授In September 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) at the United Nations General Assembly, attractin ...
The Chinese central bank will create new monetary policy tools to support the stable development of the stock market, the ...
The Shanghai Intelligent Mobility Design Valley in Jiading District signed agreements with 24 ecological units including ...
We wish you Good Health. Make sure you guys appreciate us and don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe. We need your ...
【新智元导读】 Deepfake到底有多可怕?国外一名律师的父亲,险些陷入一场巨大AI骗局。诈骗者借助AI克隆其儿子的声音,伪造车祸事故要挟3万保释金。GenAI技术犯罪泛滥同时,科学家们也在寻找破魔之道。
9月30日,习近平等党和国家领导人在北京天安门广场出席烈士纪念日向人民英雄敬献花篮仪式。 Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Party and state leaders attended a ...
The star exhibit at the 2024 World Manufacturing Convention—the French Company Alstom’s straddle monorail made a stunning ...
How do we enhance public access to technology and ensure ethical standards and fairness in it? The answer comes from #SharedHumanValues. Thank you to Cixin Liu for joining us in this initiative to ...
“Create Hangzhou”, a cultural and creative industry promotion platform, is committed to promoting the innovative designs ...
庆丰发展有限公司(Haverse Development Sdn Bhd)于 2024 年 9 月 20 日在古来优美城(Bandar Indahpura Kulai)隆重举办了崭新销售展厅的开幕仪式,进一步展现其在 ...
金威医疗(08143)公布,于2024年9月20日,该公司拟向林雪娇出售Sino Business Investment Development Limited全部已发行股本,代价为6万港元。该集团预期取得出售事项的未经审核收益约1040万港元。 据悉,出售集团一直主要在中国从事提供综合性医院服务,并于2022年7月起处于停业状态。