A Vancouver company with ambitions of making biologicals "the future" of crop protection and pest solutions has secured ...
全球农业对可持续发展的需求日益迫切,生物制剂市场正迎来前所未有的发展机遇。然而该市场的竞争也日趋激烈,生物制剂企业如何在同质化的红海中开辟蓝海,成为了行业关注的焦点。 本次访谈邀请到了中拜耳作物保护团队杀菌剂、生物制剂和果蔬产品主管Ralf Glaubitz,以及先正达欧洲生物制剂与种子健康部门主管Matt ...
A primary drying process model that includes the various sources of process variability can guide the process optimization ...
Vancouver company Catalera BioSolutions, which has ambitions of making biologicals “the future” of crop protection and pest ...
9月4日,先正达生物制剂(Syngenta Biologicals)与美国信息素类害虫防治方案提供商Provivi宣布合作,双方将共同开发并商业化基于信息素的新型生物防治技术,以更有效、更安全的方式控制玉米和水稻害虫。
AFEPASA 首席执行官 Manel Monta?o 评论道:″与 IPL Biologicals 的战略合作将会让我们向欧洲,乃至全球市场提供创新的生物农药。我们将用安全的生物制剂取代有害的合成农药,不仅优先考虑农产品消费者的健康,也会考虑环境保护。我们很高兴与 IPL Biologicals 合作,他们是全球农用生物制剂领域技术领先的企业,我们相信他们将在全球农用生物制剂市场中占有重要地位。
Paid and presented by Syngenta Biologicals. Potatoes are the third-most important food crop in the world, feeding over one billion people. But the ravages of pests and heatwaves are threatening ...
Certis Biologicals, a global leader in bio-based innovations that enhance crop productivity and quality, has named Eda Reinot ...
Reinot joins Certis after having held leadership, research and development, and regulatory roles at Indigo Ag, BASF, and ...
活性成分为侧孢短芽孢杆菌(EBJ2),其具有由表层蛋白和代谢物产生的双重作用机制。其中代谢产物可用于防治小菜蛾幼虫、草地贪夜蛾、玉米穗虫、大豆夜蛾和欧洲玉米螟等。代谢产物为低分子量热稳定性良好的化合物,类似于菌体外毒素。公司实验表明 ...
Reinot joins Certis Biologicals, having served in a Vice President role at Indigo Ag, where she was responsible for R&D, ...