The populist Right’s abandonment of principle has been accompanied by a repudiation of good taste, achievement, education, refinement, and manners — all of which are abominated as signs of ...
Frank Lloyd Wright’s love-hate relationship with New York: “If you know the slightest thing about Frank Lloyd Wright, you’ll know that he abominated New York City in just about all of the ...
"[H]e defended and praised slavery, which I abominated, and told me that he had just visited a great slave-owner, who had called up many of his slaves and asked them whether they were ...
In this year's Al Smith and His America, Handlin refers to Curley's "richly deserved prison terms," finds him "the prototype of everything that Smith abominated," a "freebooter." These are ...
He abominated Goldman Sachs and then hired half of its old-timers league. He has produced a vague and half-baked tax plan that many of his fellow Republicans have said they cannot support.
One would think he would have mentioned it if he had. Resurrection “of the flesh” becomes part of Catholic tradition, but the problem is that Paul would have abominated the idea—flesh can’t be ...
He was a renowned commander in the military, and the report came to the Emperor Licinius that he was a Christian and abominated the idols. Licinius therefore sent certain men to him from Nicomedia, to ...
This Martyr was from Dorostolum in Thrace, the servant of a certain pagan in the days of Julian the Apostate (361-363). As a fervent Christian, Emilian abominated the ...
It's a conflictual society, and one of the ways that Athenians thought about their position in the world, and their relationship to those they conquered, or abominated, was they saw the 'enemy' or ...
In a letter he described her as being locally 'detested'. When he sent the poem off for anonymous newspaper publication, the accompanying note abominated Oswald's 'iron avarice and sordid pride'.
Too often, learning from failure doesn't happen because of the need to project a strong and confident self-image to stakeholders; the f-word (failure) is abominated, suppressed and forgotten. This is ...
And, to begin with, the real name would be School of the Three Worlds: Latin America and Caribbean, Asia and Africa, to contrast with the idea of a Third World, a denomination that I have always ...