Iconoscope diagram, from Vladimir Zworykin’s 1931 US patent. Although image dissectors basically worked as intended, the low light sensitivity of the device resulted in poor images. Only with ...
Vladimir Zworykin had been working on his iconoscope since at least 1923, and while his design for a camera tube was superior to Farnsworth’s, which required impractically high light levels to ...
He also tried, rather unsuccessfully, to mass-market his television transmitter. In 1923 Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) also applied for a patent. His was for a television camera that converted ...
Vladimir Kozmich Zworykin is a Russian man who, by the will of fate, was forced to work abroad. His work is the property of not only America, but of the entire world of science. He is also the ...
When RCA engineer Vladmir Zworykin applied for a new patent for television based, in part, on information gleaned from a visit to Farnsworth's laboratory, Farnsworth sued. The courts vindicated ...
Dr. Akay is a recipient of the IEEE EMBS Early Career and Service Award, an IEEE Third Millennium Medal and the prestigious Vladimir Kozma Zworykin Award by the IFMBE. In addition to IEEE, he is a ...