本文发表后,一位热心的读者向编辑指出,第3763页图1D中显示的某些细胞凋亡测定数据,与另一篇由不同研究机构的不同作者以不同形式提交发表的文章(图3A)中的数据惊人地相似。鉴于上述有争议的数据在提交给《 Molecular Medicine ...
我国计划在2060年前实现碳中和目标,并提出“减污降碳”政策以达到改善空气质量和缓解气候变化的双赢。其间,将大幅减少人类化石燃烧排放的氮氧化物和养殖业与种植业排放的氨等活性氮物质。这将减少大气氮沉降,进而对陆地生态系统碳汇产生调控作用,并影响碳中和目 ...
CaMKII activates the HRI/eIF2α signaling pathway and inhibits the proteotoxicity induced by proteasome inhibition through ...
Nature Metabolism 期刊同期发表了两篇论文,这两项研究均显示, 二甲双胍 通过诱导代谢物Lac-Phe的产生来发挥降低食欲和减肥的作用。而Lac-Phe是不久前斯坦福大学 Jonathan Long ...
The 5-HT2A receptor in the brain reduces incoming visual information, allowing more space for internal thought processes.
前列腺癌(Prostate cancer, PCa)是威胁中老年男性健康的主因之一。在2024年全球男性肿瘤发病率和死亡率统计中,PCa分别排第二和第五位[1]。雄激素和雄激素受体(Androgen ...
Researchers have discovered that the antidepressant vortioxetine effectively combats glioblastoma, a deadly brain tumor, in ...
On Haryana Assembly Election 2024, Haryana Chief Minister, Nayab Singh Saini said that Congress don’t want Dalit leaders to come up. He further said that Congress mentally tortured Kumari Selja.
In court, free speech and social justice groups have submitted amicus briefs in support of TikTok, arguing it restricts the ...