Free, open-source, cross-platform, and multi-language analysis tool for Scrabble, Super Scrabble & Literaki. Quickly find top scoring words using given board & tiles. Available in English, French, ...
Are you a fan of puzzles, word games and brain-teasing challenges? If so, Scrabble might just be your obsession! Whether ...
If you’re new to Scrabble, the board-and-tile game is all about competing to form words with lettered tiles on a 225-square board. The word game is like a crossword puzzle, and just like any ...
don't quite like the competitive nature of Scrabble," he said. "They want a game where you can simply enjoy language, words, being together and having fun creating words." In the new game ...
On the website sixtyandme, Pat Skene described similar experiences on the unofficial Scrabble-like app Words With Friends. "Suddenly, I'm inundated with guys wanting to hook up because they have ...
For the last few decades, Microsoft Word has been the de facto standard for word processors across the working world. That’s finally starting to shift, and it looks like one of Google’s ...
制作精美的简历、新闻稿和文档,同时可邀请其他人实时审阅和共同创作。此外,还可使用免费的 Word 模板和格式化工具(可应用 APA、MLA 和 Chicago 样式),并通过免费的加载项添加功能。 在熟悉的电子表格和工作簿中整理数据,所有更改将自动保存。创建新式 ...
借助便利的工具,以直观的方式进行编辑,还可从纸笔书写变成数字墨迹书写。 进入佳境 无需退出 Word 即可访问所需的数据和资源。轻松获取同事的 PowerPoint 幻灯片、引用的调查结果和领英中的信息来制作引人注目的简历。 无论身处何地,均可实时合作。