世界原料药企业前十中中国企业占6-7家(往年数据),美国2022年专门通过“竞争”法案来降低对中国医药产品的过度依赖。曾经FDA在回应该项法案是否具备可行性时表示,“如果没有足够的数据能够计算出哪些原料药来自中国、占比和影响多大,就贸然行事,谁也无法 ...
Alex Sapir, a prominent real estate investor, is handing over his five-bedroom home in Miami Beach for $39 million. Here's a ...
Having begun at the Beit Zvi acting school as a theatrical exercise, the October "She Wanted to Dance" premiere will begin a ...
So, why does Cali think the Leatherstocking Club has survived for so long? “I believe that we have always had a small number ...
The Miami 18 project would add to the portfolio Sapir’s firm was building in the city, to go with other developments like a smaller luxury boutique condo building planned for Surfside.
今年4月北京车展上,宁德时代董事长曾毓群来到极越的展台,盛赞极越新款07,并提前预定了一辆:“极越07很不错,第一辆留给我。” ...
Eliran Sapir is the founder & CEO of Apptopia. He’s an expert on the mobile landscape, app economy and how data and predictive modeling add transparency to the ecosystem. As an early pioneer to ...
Leor Sapir is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Boston College and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Program on Constitutional Government at ...
美国马萨诸塞州剑桥 - 临床阶段生物制药公司Fulcrum Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:FULC)今天宣布,由于在一项三期临床试验中未能达到主要和次要终点,该公司将暂停其药物losmapimod的开发。这项名为REACH的试验评估了losmapimod对面肩肱型肌营养不良症(FSHD)患者的疗效,结果显示与安慰剂相比,患者并未出现显著改善。 这项涉及260名患者的试验旨在 ...
New data casts doubt on orthodoxy that 'trans kids become trans adults,' challenging the whole basis for justifying child ...
Leor Sapir is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. The National Health Service now recommends noninvasive psychotherapy as the default treatment for youth struggling with gender dysphoria.