Kwapuliński, P. Rasek, J. and Gierak, Z. 1988. Scattering of conductivity electrons on grain boundaries in metals. Physica Status Solidi (a), Vol. 107, Issue. 1, p. 299.
Proper power grounding systems are necessary for maintaining the safety and reliability of critical electrical subsystem ...
Glaser, Dan R. Burch, Katrina Brinkley, Dennis L. and Reppert, Philip 2021. Localization of deep voids through geophysical signatures of secondary dewatering features ...
Conductivity meters, dissolved solids meters and resistivity meters are analytical instruments that measure the conductivity, dissolved solids, and/or resistivity of a liquid sample. They can measure ...
The West Central Research, Extension and Education Center is collaborating with multiple geoscientists on a project focusing ...
The coefficient of determination (r 2), which explains how well a model fits the observed data, for the correlation of soil electrical resistivity, water content, and plasticity index, was found ...
Proper power grounding systems are necessary for maintaining the safety and reliability of critical electrical subsystem ...
Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza may be one of the most iconic landmarks on the planet but, beneath its surrounding sands, there ...
All show significant extension below 60 metres. The electrode spacing is being widened to allow for depths of 300 metres or ...
As part of the project, the CPWD has invited bids for several surveys, including a topographical survey, a ground-penetrating ...