Four faculty from two area schools were recently awarded $500 grants for this school year. The grant money is funding ...
Has a UC Berkeley chemistry lab discovered the holy grail of plastic recycling? Maybe, but with a lot of caveats.
Despite the planet’s growing plastic pollution crisis, petroleum-based polymers have become an integral part of modern life.
Industrial Physics’ latest research on food and beverage packaging has shown automatic process control as the biggest testing ...
THE past 200 years have been justifiably described as the Plastics Age, because plastic has become ubiquitous to the point ...
Amid increasing concern related to plastic bag and film recycling, Trex Company is making it easier than ever for Americans ...
South Africa is looking to increase its recycling capacity for the management of plastic waste and elimination of plastic ...
The partnership between GR3N and Schneider Electric, that has started with the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding, ...
Schneider Electric collaborates with GR3N to tackle plastic recycling challenges in the chemical sector. 09/09/2024 Schneider ...
Previero, a portfolio company of asset manager Ambienta, has acquired sorting equipment maker Parini of Orologia, Italy.
The Scale of the US Plastic Waste Problem The United States is projected to generate 220 million tons of plastic waste in ...
甲辰年秋月,恰逢《钢铁》杂志创刊七十周年。七十年沐雨栉风,砥砺歌行,《钢铁》杂志始终致力于服务中国钢铁工业,服务于钢铁行业科技进步与实践,服务于中国钢铁科技工作者,与中国钢铁工业共同成长。《钢铁》陆续入选北大中文核心、中国科技核心、中国科学引文数据库 ...