In terms of the proportion of elderly residents, Japan, with its record high of 29.3 percent, surpassed Italy at 24.6 percent ...
BEIJING, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- China's urbanization rate, which measures the ratio of permanent urban residents relative to ...
China has a big chance in AI development thanks to its large population, the same language, and a lot of computer infrastructure, said French professor Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, a computer scientist and ...
Homelessness has continued to rise over the past few years, but researchers at Northern Arizona University are leading the way in prevention measures that could help thousands around our state.
2024 年 9 月 5 日,复旦大学生命科学学院、进化生物学中心徐书华教授和中国科学院大学陈豪博士应主编邀请在《 Science China Life Sciences 》发表了题为“ Population genomics advances in frontier ethnic minorities in China” 的综述,总结了近年来中国边疆少数族群的群体基因组学研究进展 ...
事实上,该研究团队在今年初就曾发表过一篇研究,并指出干血斑中apoE4蛋白水平可以作为判断一个人是否携带 APOE ε4基因的有效替代方法。随后的遗传分析也确定了干血斑中能检测出apoE4蛋白水平的临界值(这一临界值为30000 ...
Bougainville population; Hawaiian population; Dusun population in Malaysia; Chinese Dai in Xishuangbanna; She population in China; Thai from Thailand; Kinh in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam; Southern Han ...
而且博格并非唯一一位行为不端的高管。有报道称,有一位有腐败罪行记录的管理人员似乎与王储建立了联系,这让他逃脱了一系列不当行为指控,包括在城市建设期间与一位施工经理发生肢体冲突。据称该公司还雇佣了因侵吞公款被调查的高管和“动辄斥责和贬低员工”的首席执行 ...
本文来自微信公众号:精练GymSquare,本文于2022年8月在精练GymSquare公众号首发,作者:申奥,头图来自:AI生成 从手持泡枸杞的“保温杯”,到如今“90后中年人”的调侃嘲讽,当代年轻人正在加速衰老。
Chinese people have shown strong spending power during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with many sectors such as tourism and postal ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...