OPC UA is a framework for industrial interoperability based on data models that provide a syntactical definition of information that can be communicated with virtually any communication methods, ...
Experts from UniversalAutomation.org, OPAF, ExxonMobil and more tell how modern software techniques are improving process ...
OPC UA including APL, TSN, and 5G for the field: The Field Level Communications initiative reaches a major milestone. Figure 1. FLC initiative developing extensions to the OPC UA framework for field ...
At Fakuma 2024, scheduled for October 15 through October 19 in Friedrichshafen, Germany, Arburg (Hall A3, Stand 3101) will be ...
A digital twin represents a physical asset and its function; it contains intelligence to evaluate static and real-time data.
The vision for the future is a single Ethernet-APL cable infrastructure to support all kinds of field devices, not just ...
由于历史原因,传统工控长期面临“四座大山”,即工业通信生态壁垒、软硬件强绑定、传统工业网络形态复杂以及缺乏灵活的工业算力。据统计,目前工业通信协议的国际标准已超过30种。各大厂商围绕PLC工控开发软件和工业通信协议,形成了一个个烟囱式的封闭生态圈,使 ...
BlackBerry QNX says its foundational software enables developers to make robots more reliable and precise for a range of ...
2024年9月27日,由ABB与中国自动化学会联合主办的2024 ABB杯智能技术创新大赛圆满落下帷幕,颁奖仪式在中国国际工业博览会ABB展台现场举行。从4月初启动以来,大赛共吸引了472支队伍报名参赛,总人数超过1200人。经过初赛和决赛的激烈角逐 ...
2024年中国国际工业博览会昨天在沪开幕。据了解,施耐德电气以“绿•智创新,共塑未来工业影响力”为主题,围绕“软件定义的自动化”、“开放自动化”和“工业可持续”三大版块,展示了一系列引领数字化、绿色化变革、覆盖全生命周期的创新成果与解决方案。施耐德电 ...
在工业领域,创新是推动新质生产力发展的关键动力。作为工业数字化转型的积极赋能者,施耐德电气始终以创新为驱动,积极部署人工智能等前沿技术,不断打造兼容性、软硬件一体化解决方案,赋能产业提质增效。此次工博会,施耐德电气带来一系列以“ ...
施耐德电气高级副总裁、工业自动化业务中国区负责人丁晓红指出:“当前,新质生产力快速发展、新型工业化进程全面推进。伴随人工智能、数字孪生、工业物联网等技术的迅猛发展,搭载了这些前沿技术的软件应用、融合开放的自动化系统,将为企业带来效率、成本和可持续性的 ...