In the 2012–13 academic year, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, hosted programs in Commutative Algebra (Fall 2012 and Spring 2013) and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and ...
One of the biggest headaches of the physics world is that Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity —which does a pretty ...
Our customer-facing platforms and websites (including, Cambridge Core, Higher Education from Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Open Engage, Cambridge Advance Online) are running as ...
We supervise projects and dissertations in a variety of areas of pure mathematics and beyond. These include (but are not limited to): noncommutative algebra, representation theory, algebraic geometry, ...
His research interests are in operator algebras, K-theory, and dynamical systems, which are linked through the study of noncommutative topological spaces. He has published over 15 articles in these ...
Dr. Christine Uhl, associate professor of Mathematics, recently had two peer-reviewed articles published. Her work “Automorphisms of quantum polynomial rings and Drinfeld Hecke algebras,” coauthored ...
Broadly, my research interests include quantum information & computation; nonlocality & contextuality; and operator algebras & noncommutative geometry. I am keenly interested in helping to elucidate ...
We encourage contributed talks (on any topic) from both students and faculty. You can submit a talk on the registration form. Noncommutative positivstellensatz and stochastic gradient descent (Friday ...
The spectral theory of noise-type Boolean algebras of Tsirelson is cast in the noncommutative language of “factorizations with unit” for which a muti-layered characterization of being “of Fock type” ...