近年来,免疫疗法在癌症治疗中变得愈发重要,它不是直接攻击癌细胞,而是通过激活患者自身的免疫系统来对抗癌症。然而,预测患者是否会对免疫疗法作出反应一直是个难题,这是因为肿瘤微环境的高度异质性。为此,研究人员采用系统生物学的方法来分析肿瘤微环境中的异质性 ...
Treatment-resistant cells are a challenge related to prostate cancer and many other cancers, which arises as the disease ...
There is a challenge related to prostate and many other cancers that cancer cells form resistance to treatments as the ...
癌症免疫治疗已在多种肿瘤中表现出显著的疗效,但其在治疗肝细胞癌(HCC)中的有效性仍然有限。因此,迫切需要寻找新的免疫治疗靶点并制定相应的干预策略。 日前, 空军军医大学药学系张英起教授团队 在 《Advanced Science》 ...
There is a challenge related to prostate and many other cancers that cancer cells form resistance to treatments as the disease progresses. However, these resistance mechanisms are not yet fully ...
The cancer microenvironment, or tumour microenvironment, describes the non-cancerous cells present in the tumour. These include fibroblasts, immune cells and cells that comprise the blood vessels.
Age-related musculoskeletal diseases are a significant public health concern that critically impacts the motor functions and the quality of life in the elderly. The musculoskeletal system supports the ...
An international team of researchers led by Francesca Finotello from the Digital Science Center (DiSC) and Department of ...
In the complex landscape of cancer, tumors create their own microenvironment, often marked by low oxygen levels, a condition ...