In each of these applications, the microprocessor serves as the functional core of what can properly be called a special-purpose microcomputer. Although these applications are widely varied in ...
Current course names and descriptions are available below ... A major goal is to establish a firm foundation in the discipline upon which the applications of statistical and epidemiologic inference ...
This course is designed to acquaint teacher credential candidates with learning theories, practices, hardware, software applications, and web resources that are useful in integrating technology into ...
Provides electronic security devices (dongles) for parallel, USB, and serial ports to prevent software piracy. Dongles are used to license products, control counters, and for expiration dates. By ...
A microcomputer-based engine control system has much greater flexibility than the early systems which were partly analog. A suitably configured microcomputer can potentially perform any control or ...
Quiz time, what was the first commercially available microcomputer? The Altair 8800? Something obscure like the SCELBI? The Mark-8 kit? According to [The Byte Attic], it was actually the Q1 ...
NOTE: Students who have taken this course should not enroll in CPSY 224. Prerequisites: None. (3 units) CPSY 218 - Foundations of Psychotherapy and Personality A comprehensive review of fundamental ...
Theoretical models will then be applied to specific examples encountered in engineering and construction decision making with emphasis on engineering economics applications. This course provides ...
Special course pre-requisites, co-requisites, and enrollment restrictions are indicated at the end of the course description. A course listed as a pre-requisite must have been completed and passed ...
The usual course load for full-time graduate students is 9 credits/semester. Depending upon the program requirements and abilities of the student, individuals may carry more than 9 credits each ...
And if this course description seems dull, the class is anything but. CW 2080 Intro to Poetry Northrop TR 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. In this course we will read and write poetry; we will discuss, enthuse ...
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the diverse research methods used in the Social Sciences, including their strengths and weaknesses, and conveys the necessary practical skills ...