In each of these applications, the microprocessor serves as the functional core of what can properly be called a special-purpose microcomputer. Although these applications are widely varied in ...
This course is designed to acquaint teacher credential candidates with learning theories, practices, hardware, software applications, and web resources that are useful in integrating technology into ...
Current course names and descriptions are available below; please note they are subject to change ... A major goal is to establish a firm foundation in the discipline upon which the applications of ...
A microcomputer-based engine control system has much greater flexibility than the early systems which were partly analog. A suitably configured microcomputer can potentially perform any control or ...
This course gives an overview of industrial engineering methodologies with particular reference to classical industrial engineering and ergonomics. The subject areas covered include: work methods and ...
Provides electronic security devices (dongles) for parallel, USB, and serial ports to prevent software piracy. Dongles are used to license products, control counters, and for expiration dates. By ...
In addition, basic financial analysis tools will be reviewed. Theoretical models will then be applied to specific examples encountered in engineering and construction decision making with emphasis on ...
Applications of energy band models for semiconductors. Carrier statistics and transport. Diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors. Integrated circuits. Heterojunction devices. COURSE GOALS: The ...
Quiz time, what was the first commercially available microcomputer? The Altair 8800? Something obscure like the SCELBI? The Mark-8 kit? According to [The Byte Attic], it was actually the Q1 ...
课程介绍:速成经济学, 每节10分钟,让你轻松习得经济学知识。(感谢鸾爷提供翻译,网易公开课编辑整理) ...
NOTE: Students who have taken this course should not enroll in CPSY 224. Prerequisites: None. (3 units) CPSY 218 - Foundations of Psychotherapy and Personality A comprehensive review of fundamental ...
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Basic concepts of lasers ... advanced technology for semiconductor laser fabrications and integration; industrial and medical applications of lasers. REQUIRED TEXTS: S. L. Chuang, ...