India's third home-built 700 MWe nuclear power reactor has achieved criticality and is expected to start commercial ...
Three Mile Island brings back memories of the horrors of a nuclear accident. The Unit 2 reactor core partially melted down ...
Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant unit 7 - India's third indigenously designed 700 MWe pressurised heavy water reactor - achieved ...
Margolin, Winer & Evens LLP ("MWE") is an accounting and business advisory firms in the Northeast. Since 1946, MWE has been providing accounting, auditing, tax planning, tax strategies and ...
9月10日下午,苏州卫生职业技术学院在石湖校区举行2024级缅甸留学生开学典礼。学校罗晓清院长、吴丽荣副院长出席典礼,党委宣传部、财务处、教务处、学工处、后勤管理处、团委、资产经营公司、公共基础部等部门负责人,24级缅甸全体留学生、23级缅甸留学生代 ...
The Indian government has approved the creation of a joint venture between Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited and ...
Management estimates NuScale's quarterly cash burn rate to be around $20 million. Currently, the company has $130 million in ...
Finding a business that has the potential to grow substantially is not easy, but it is possible if we look at a few ...
BlackRock and Microsoft have partnered to launch a $30 billion AI infrastructure fund to address the growing energy demands ...
Idaho Falls Power is negotiating a PPA for a fleet of seven MARVEL-inspired Aalo-1 reactors—a combined 75 MW—at its Energy ...