100 克绿叶菜做熟后约为 1 拳头的量,可以估算一下自己白天吃了多少,如果没吃够量,晚餐就多吃些蔬菜;至于蛋白质食物,除了肉类也别忽略了豆制品的摄入,白天如果吃了肉,晚上可以选豆制品作为蛋白质的来源。
也有研究印证了这一点,一项刊登于《细胞代谢》上的研究揭示了晚餐吃得晚导致肥胖的原因。晚进食增加了清醒时的饥饿感;降低了 24 小时的血清瘦素;减少了清醒时能量消耗和 24 小时的核心体温;改变了脂肪组织基因表达,让身体更容易储存脂肪。
The receptor is also known as MTNR1B, and it is primarily expressed in the brain. For a complete picture of Melatonin Receptor Type 1B’s drug pipeline, buy the report here. Blending expert knowledge ...
经过一整个白天的“劳作”,人体在晚上会渐渐进入“倦怠期”,不仅自己不想运动,内脏器官也想休息,此时新陈代谢速度会减慢,消耗的能量也减少。 如果晚餐吃得太晚,摄入的能量又比较高,多余的热量就会转化为脂肪储存起来,增加肥胖风险。
Research has also revealed the expression of ASMT and the melatonin receptor MTNR1A in cattle oocytes and cumulus cells, with MTNR1B expressed exclusively in oocytes. Additionally, 10 and 50 ng/mL of ...
Genome-wide association studies of very common variants have neither identified associations that explain a large portion of the heritability for most traits studied nor identified the causal ...
G-protein coupled receptors regulate hormone secretions in the pancreas. Learn how the complex signaling features of these receptors are illuminating diabetes research. Diabetes results from ...