Abstract: Several soil- and atmospheric-correcting variants of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) have been proposed to improve the accuracy in estimating biophysical plant parameters.
However, specific dates of key phenological events differed when using CSIF vs. MODIS NDVI data. NDVI data indicated that the growing season started earlier (by 10.1 days on average) and ended later ...
人类赖以生存的城市地表状况如何?中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所匡文慧副研究员基于多源遥感数据,系统刻画了全球 ...
The below images show a comparison of NDVI and EVI based on MODIS for Central America. The data are freely available as MODQ1 product (cf. links to the data below). In the upper image pair data of the ...
The package provides tools to fill missing values in satellite data. It can be used to gap-fill, e.g., MODIS NDVI data, and is helpful for the development of new gap-fill algorithms. The predictions ...
Besides the GLAM NDVI data, the MODIS 13Q1 data set provides NDVI and EVI data at 250m resolution, which can be downloaded via the USGS Earthexplorer. The MODIS13Q1 data has a certain way to name the ...
Most published analyses of vegetation responses to rainfall in savanna landscapes, such as MODIS NDVI, Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) NDVI and MODIS leaf area index (LAI) time ...
After the atmospheric, geometric and radiation corrections, the normalized vegetation index (NDVI) can be calculated based on the MODIS data of 1 - 7 bands (620 - 670, 841 - 876, 459 - 479, 455 - ...
NDVI,全名为Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,中文名称为归一化植被指数。这个指数可以用来定性和定量评价植被覆盖及其生长活力,我们也可以简单地将它理解为体现植被密度和健康状况的一个 ...