据最新消息,热门游戏《原神》已在微软Xbox商店上线预购 ... 神》已在先前登陆PlayStation 5、PlayStation 4、PC、iOS和Android平台。该游戏预计将在近期 ...
然而最近,米哈游已经在Xbox商店页面上删除了关于此限制的要求,并且还更新了该游戏的描述:“《原神》是一款免费游戏,无需购买Xbox Game Pass ...
IT之家 7 月 4 日消息,友情提醒:微软 Xbox 360 Store & Marketplace 在上线运营 19 年后,将于本月底关闭,玩家无法再继续在该商店购买新游戏、DLC 或其它 ...
Xbox has just revealed the next batch of titles leaving the Game Pass library, with 10 games in total exiting the service in ...
微软Xbox 360商店即将于7月29日正式关停 ... 其中包括《古墓丽影》和《孤岛惊魂4》等游戏,本周又新增了第二批游戏参与促销,目前超过了150款。
然而,对于Xbox玩家而言,却一直未能体验到这款备受赞誉的游戏,因为黑神话:悟空Xbox版本的发布至今仍然悬而未决。 近日,有消息称黑神话 ...
此前,Xbox商店中对于《原神》在线多人模式需要Xbox Game Pass Ultimate或Xbox Game Pass Core的表述引起了广泛争议,因为作为一款原本就支持免费联机的游戏 ...
此前本作在Xbox商店显示,需要Xbox Game Pass Ultimate或Core才能上线游玩,引起了玩家的困惑,因为像《使命召唤:战区》等免费联机游戏都没有这样的 ...
Capcom lends its knack for remakes to the original Dead Rising, placing shiny new visuals over 2006 game design with slightly ...
Half-Life Antlions, for example, can be seen filling the minion role, while the game also uses assets from titles like Left 4 Dead and Dota. It’s far from impressive but still an interesting ...
This is the most glaring of the game's original pain points that reappears due to DRDR being only a remaster and not a remake. Though the game offers several welcome fixes to be discussed later in ...